New Map Improves Upon Popular Poop Map of SF — The Bold Italic — San Francisco

The Bold Italic
The Bold Italic
Published in
2 min readMar 23, 2015


Back in November, Jennifer Wong’s (Human) Wasteland Map took the Internet by (shit) storm. As comprehensive as the original map was in terms of showing poop by location, it only represented about 4,000 data points from January to June of 2013, as supplied by Data SF. Until now! Haochi Chen has shared with The Bold Italic his new version of Wong’s map, which pulls in the latest data from the 311 database and allows more advanced filtering.

Chen says he was inspired by a recent Reddit post showing human waste cleanup at Civic Center BART. The new and improved map shows information on waste reported as recently as today, and you can choose between a heat map and a rather crude “marker” setting. As always, if you’re interested in learning more about San Francisco’s poop problem, you can read more about it here, and I recommend you check out what groups like Lava Mae are doing in the city to help remedy the less than ideal situation.

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