Pandemic Staycation: Bay Area Airbnbs With Pools

*Orders pizza-shaped float*

Allison Hirschlag
The Bold Italic
Published in
6 min readSep 2, 2020


A rectangular pool with a small wooden building in the background, surrounded by trees and bathed in dappled light.
Photo: John via Airbnb

The Bay Area has kicked off its warmest months. As we’ve been baking in record-degree heat, you’ve probably fantasized about floating in a pool. Unfortunately, public pools are closed and you’re probably not planning a vacation or hotel stay anytime soon. The good news: The Bay has vacation rental options with that fabulous water…



Writer of varying attitudes. Words at WaPo, Scientific American, Cosmo, Audubon, Weather, McSweeneys, Weekly Humorist and elsewhere. Likes laughing. And cheese.