TBI’s 5 Best: Very SF Workouts in 2019

If your New Year’s resolution is to get fit, we have a few ideas

The Bold Italic
The Bold Italic
Published in
4 min readJan 4, 2019


Photo: ArtCoreStudios via Pixabay

New year, new you, amirite? Actually, it will probably be the same you with a few minor improvements here and there, but it’s the beginning of the year, so we approve of wishful thinking. If one of your goals for 2019 is to get fit, you’re in the right city. San Francisco is full of active, fit people who are trying to disrupt the fitness scene. In others words, there are some really wonky workout classes out there, but they do make for enlightening experiences. If your New Year’s resolution is to get in shape, here are some very SF ways in which to do it:

1. Aerial yoga

Because doing yoga on the ground is so 2018. This year is the time to quite literally take your yoga practice to the next level and fly. For the uninitiated, aerial yoga is yoga done with the use of a hammock—elevated above the ground. Raven Fitness is the place to fly in SF. Located in SOMA, this aerial yoga “nest” promises low-impact cardiovascular conditioning, core strengthening, a release of “happy hormones” and more as some of the benefits of its practice. The first class can be intimidating if you’ve never yoga-ed on a hammock before, but fear not, as the teachers are very helpful. A truly added bonus is that shavasana is replaced by “cocooning” in your hammock.

321 7th Street (SOMA) |

2. Barry’s Bootcamp

Do you want to work out but also feel like you’re at a club in the Castro? Then Barry’s is for you. Between the music, motivational teachers and energizing strobe lights, Barry’s Bootcamp is more than just a workout; it’s an experience. It will also get you into tip-top condition within no time. The workout was founded in Los Angeles by celebrity trainer Barry Jay but has since expanded to various cities across the country. The workout uses a mix of running and weights to tone muscle and amp up cardio. It’s a bootcamp-like class, hence the name. In San Francisco, you can find studios in the FIDI, SOMA and the Marina.

3. The Circus Center

You’ve never really lived until you’ve visited the Circus Center. This workout-meets-hobby jaunt isn’t just for those who dream of being in Cirque du Soleil; it’s also for the average person who wants to try a different kind of workout. Located in the Inner Sunset, the Circus Center offers a wide range of classes—from aerial-conditioning class to hoop class to rope class to swinging-trapeze class, the options are endless. The best part is that this is something totally different from your average barre workout class. There are plenty of beginner classes that will turn the most unexperienced person into a circus pro in no time.

755 Frederick Street (Inner Sunset) |

4. Tae Kwon Do

Hwa Rang Kwan in SOMA, the oldest Korean martial-arts center on the West Coast, has a lot to offer those who are interested in taking up martial arts as a form of fitness. From introductory Tae Kwon Do classes to kickboxing classes, it offers a break from your typical San Francisco Pilates class. And if you really want to commit, you can become a member and start working on getting a belt (the first one is yellow). But don’t be fooled by the sweetness of the community at Hwa Rang Kwan, as working on roundhouse kicks can regularly leave you quite sore.

1712, 90 Welsh Street (SOMA) |


If you’re looking to get into a more traditional Pilates-like class but one with a San Francisco spin, SALT could be for you. Each class is “intelligently choreographed to music” to help connect your mind and body during the class. It’s a mix of Pilates and barre, in which class attendees will find themselves using a mix of sandbags, resistance bands, lower-body loops and balance balls to tone their muscles. No class is the same, which keeps you on your toes each week.

327 Divisadero Street (NOPA) |

Hey! The Bold Italic recently launched a podcast, This Is Your Life in Silicon Valley. Check out the full season or listen to the episode below featuring Jessica Alter, founder of Tech for Campaigns. More coming soon, so stay tuned!



We’re the The Bold Italic, an online magazine celebrating the spirit of San Francisco. Brought to you by GrowSF.